Legal texts

Revision of the Takeover Ordinance

New Takeover Ordinance

On 20th June 2008, the Federal Banking Commission began a period of consultation on a completely revised draft of the Ordinance on Public Takeover Offers (TOO) drawn up by the Takeover Board.

Projet de révision OOPA (juin 2008) (french) [PDF]

Revisionsentwurf UEV (Juni 2008) (german) [PDF]

In the course of this consultation, which ended on 4th August 2008, the Takeover Board received a total of ten statements from professional associations, businesses, legal chambers, etc., as well as comments from three Federal authorities.

Rapport sur la consultation publique relative à l'OOPA (french) [PDF]

Prises de position / Stellungnahmen (german) [PDF]

Having taken the findings of the consultation into consideration, the Takeover Board finalised the Takeover Ordinance on 21st August 2008. The Federal Banking Commission approved these regulations on 24th September 2008. They were published in the Amtlichen Sammlung in November 2008.

Ordonnance sur les offres publiques d'acquisition du 21 août 2008 (french)[PDF ]

Verordnung der Übernahmekommission über öffentliche Kaufangebote vom 21. August 2008 (german) [PDF]

Ordinanza commissionale sulle offerte pubbliche di acquisto del 21 agosto 2008 (italian) [PDF]

An unofficial translation of the regulations is available in English.

Ordinance of the Takeover Board on public takeover bids [PDF]